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Are You Making These 2 Mistakes With your Underactive Thyroid?

underactive thyroidAfter being in practice for close to 18 years, I have seen some repeated patterns for patients that have underactive thyroid.  I have seen these same patterns so much, it is not a coincidence.  In fact, there are 2 mistakes I commonly see that slows or stops any progress with thyroid symptoms such as weight gain, no energy, hormone problems, and hair loss, etc.

If you are frustrated because you have had thyroid testing via blood work and put on medication like Synthroid or Levothyroxin and still don’t feel yourself, then pay close attention.

The two consistent mistakes that I see people make with their underactive thyroid are:

  1. Not being properly evaluated via lab testing– for most patients, their medical doctor may order a TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), and most likely Free T4.   In my opinon, that is not enough to properly evaluate the thyroid.  However, sometimes it’s not the fault of your doctor, but your insurance company.  Over the years, they continue to put the pressure on what the doctor can order.  In my practice, I always do what is right for the patient.  What will ultimately give them the information they need to get better?  The last thing with blood work is it does NOT tell you why you have a thyroid problem.
  2. Not looking at all systems of the body – Ok, when you are dealing with thyroid  symptoms, note that they can overlap with other systems.  What I mean by that is if you are tired, that could be from your thyroid, or it could be adrenal related, or it could be that you have iron deficiency.  This can get complicated real fast.  As described above, blood work does not look at the relationship or tell you why you have your symptoms.  In my office, I use the ABR Method, 1st Step Quiz, and The DNA Uprint to identify and reveal how the whole body is working, not just zero in on one gland…the thyroid. You are missing valuable information by just doing blood work alone.  This could be the reason why you still have symptoms.

If you are interested in taking your first step to find and fix your symptoms, then take our 1st Step Quiz.  This is the beginning step to help identify the source (s) of your problem.