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Hashimoto’s Leaky Gut Connection

If you have been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroid, you should understand that the condition is primarily an autoimmune problem and can cause Leaky Gut.  So many women continue to take Synthroid or Levothyroxine and wonder why their symptoms continue to persist.  9 out of 10 people diagnosed with thyroid problems have Hashimoto’s Thyroid. But it doesn’t end with just knowing that you have an autoimmune condition.  Let me explain further….

You have to find the trigger to what is causing the immune system to go on the attack against normal health tissue such as the thyroid.  If you want more information on Hashimoto’s Thyroid, I would suggest that you join me on our free thyroid web class.  You can find out more information here.

      Why is there a Hashimoto’s Leaky Gut Connection?

Lets start with the fact that 70% of your immune system is found in your gut.  When your immune system Hashimoto's and Leaky Gut connectionis flared up, it creates inflammation in your gut.  Dr. Axe created the diagram to the left which is a great picture of what really happens when you have an autoimmune condition like Hashimoto’s and subsequently leaky gut.  You have to break the cycle.

Have you ever noticed that you get bloated after eating? Or maybe you struggle with having regular bowel movements and fluctuate between diarrhea and constipation.

Do you have a hard time keeping your weight off?  Have you tried working out and eating better and still continue to gain weight?  You might know this scenario all too well because it is very common.

So what do you for Hashimoto’s and Leaky Gut?

Many doctors would recommend you to take probiotics or other supplements to heal the gut.  However, I would disagree with that.  Why? Wouldn’t it make sense to find the cause to the leaky gut?  Or do you want to stay on supplements or some drink for the rest of your life?  Unfortunately, financial gain is at the forefront of many companies and individuals, so it makes sense for them to keep selling you a product.  At Health Solutions Plus, we do not put the financial gain above what is best for the patient.

However, if you are looking to find out what is really causing the problem, that is what we have expertise in.  We have consulted with women and men in over 24 states.  Referrals are the life of our practice and you only get them one way….by earning them and getting patients better.

If you are looking for more information on how to heal your Leaky Gut and Hashimoto’s Thyroid, join me on our next Thyroid WEB CLASS======>Register for free