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Are Thyroid Lab Tests Outdated?

If you suffer from thyroid symptoms such as tired all the time, unexplained weight gain, hair loss, or hormone fluctuations, the next thing you probably do is call your doctor for a checkup. The next thing often heard is “lets order some thyroid lab tests”, but are these tests outdated?

thyroid lab testFrustrated with Your Thyroid Lab Tests?

Many people that have had thyroid lab testing feel frustrated when they get their lab results back.  Why?  Because they are told that all their lab testing came back “normal.”  One of the reasons this happens is that you are being compared to an average of all the people that go into your particular lab.  For instance, normal TSH lab ranges are generally .5-4.5.  Again, remember these are lab ranges.  However, optimally it should be 1.8-3.0.  Conventional medicine doesn’t recognize this difference. Therefore, there are thousands of women and men that continue to suffer from Thyroid symptoms, yet they go unrecognized by standard lab testing.  Some are even told it’s all in your head!

Are Thyroid Lab Tests Outdated?

There will always be a need to scan the body for thyroid problems via blood work.  The good thing is that this will pick up the majority of problems for people with under active thyroid and hyperthyroid.  However, I believe that many people are getting short changed because with the current model, it doesn’t reveal that the cause of the problem.  That is why I developed The DNA Uprint.  Not to use one test in exclusion of the other.  But for people who are frustrated and at the point where they want answers, there is help available.  Check out our 1st Step Quiz.