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Thyroid Case Study

thyroid buffalo nyI want to share a thyroid case study with you that may give you some hope that you can be helped, even if you have been told nothing more can be done.

43 year old female presented to our office with thyroid like symptoms.  I say “like” because she was told by her MD that it’s “not your thyroid”.  Partially because she had extensive blood work already done and it didn’t reveal a thyroid problem.

Some of her symptoms included:

    • Brittle Hair and Hair loss
    • Can’t lose weight despite trying multiple programs(she weighed 302 lbs)
    • tough getting moving in the morning
    • difficulty with bowel movements
    • inflammation/”puffy” in her hands and feet
    • stomach problems that her doctor wants to put her on medicationdifficulty sleepingdepressedDiagnosed with Barrett’s Esophagus

Since she already had blood work completed,  I reviewed that and noticed there were several markers that suggested that her body had extensive inflammation.  After talking with the patient we discussed the need to find out what is causing all the symptoms she was experiencing.  Up to this point, she was basically told it was all in her head because the blood work didn’t reveal the cause (it rarely does).

Next, the patient wanted to move forward and proceed with our DNA Uprint.  The results of this testing revealed a sensitivity to EMF’s.  In addition it showed that the problem was NOT in her thyroid.  However, there was an issue with the endocrine loop and how everything was suppose to be communication to and from the thyroid.  Imagine being in a room full of 500 people and your friend trying to shout to you from across the room.  You probably would not be able to hear your friend very well.  This was exactly what was happening.

The mainendocrine loop parts of the endocrine loop consists of your Hypothalamus, Anterior Pituitary, Posterior Pituitary, Thyroid, and Ovaries.  When I developed the DNA Uprint, I took into account all these areas and more to see how the body is communicating with itself.  This was a perfect example where we were able to pinpoint the problem and start supporting the weak areas.

After a few months, the patient notices a renewed energy, especially in the morning.  She has lost 31 lbs so far and she continues to lose more.  When your body is healthy, it can work more efficiently and burn fat like it was made to.  Bowel movements have returned to normal.  Hair loss has been greatly reduced to about 10% of what it was before.  She can now go to sleep without waking up multiple times during the night.  This also aids in her body being able to heal.  Her stomach issues are about 80% better and are headed in the right direction.  Her depression has “lifted” and she has a renewed ambition for life again.

I want to point out in this thyroid case study that I do not treat any one area of the body.  In order for your body to work efficiently, you need to use a laser focused approach rather than a shotgun approach or trying to just suppress symptoms.  If you are frustrated or feel like you have exhausted all of your options, we would love to be a resource for you;  Either call our office, or email us, or start out with our 1st step quiz.