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Posts Tagged ‘The DNA Uprint’

Missing Link to Hashimoto’s Thyroid

Are you at your wits end trying to find the missing link to Hashimoto’s Thyroid?  Do you still believe that the doctor needs to “adjust” your medication some more and you will feel better? Let me straighten a few things out so you can get the real truth about the missing link to Hashimoto’s Thyroid. …

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Stop Throwing Money Out the Window For More Tests

Every day I talk with patients who have been to several doctors and specialists.  Its not uncommon for my patients to have visited Mayo Clinic , John Hopkins Medicine or Cancer Treatment Centers of America .  Or maybe you have been to the top doctors in your local area.  In Buffalo NY , we have…

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Thyroid Case Study

thyroid case study buffalo ny

I want to share a thyroid case study with you that may give you some hope that you can be helped, even if you have been told nothing more can be done. 43 year old female presented to our office with thyroid like symptoms.  I say “like” because she was told by her MD that…

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Searching for Bioidentical Hormone Replacement?

bioidentical hormone replacement

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement (BHT) has been going on for years but most people know little about it.  In Buffalo NY specifically, there is not a huge assortment of holistic doctors to choose from for women looking for a natural approach to BHT.  Dr. John Lee, MD is considered one of the foremost experts for hormone…

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Are Thyroid Lab Tests Outdated?

thyroid lab test

If you suffer from thyroid symptoms such as tired all the time, unexplained weight gain, hair loss, or hormone fluctuations, the next thing you probably do is call your doctor for a checkup. The next thing often heard is “lets order some thyroid lab tests”, but are these tests outdated? Frustrated with Your Thyroid Lab…

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Iodine and Autoimmune Thyroid

iodine autoimmune thyroid

Does Iodine Cause, Worsen, Treat or Improve Autoimmune Thyroid? If you have been dealing with an autoimmune thyroid problem for any length of time, you may have read about the controversy involving supplementing with iodine for autoimmune thryoid.  As with anything, you have people who say that you should never take iodine with autoimmune thyroid…

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Hashimoto’s Thyroid – The Invisible Disease

hashimotos thyroid

Have you heard of Hashimoto’s Thyroid?  You should know that it is the largest cause of hypothyroidism in the United States.  So what does that really mean to you?  Number one, it is often known as an invisible disease.  One, where you struggle with symptoms that often do not get recognized by doctors.  Maybe you…

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