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Stubborn Weight Loss Success

stubborn weight loss successIf you need a little hope and encouragement that you can have stubborn weight loss success then keep reading.  Many patients that deal with chronic health symptoms are overweight and don’t know what to do about it.

When you have chronic inflammation in the body, it leads to fluid retention.  This fact alone makes you gain weight.  It really doesn’t matter how many hours you spend in the gym if you have a chronic inflammatory condition.  You have to find the cause of the problem.

Today, I met with a patient who was excited to share with me that she has lost 28 lbs so far.  This was over a 4 week period.  She now has a glow about her, projects self confidence and has a smile from ear to ear.  This is someone who has tried multiple “diet” plans with little success.  When I work with someone like this, I start with The DNA Uprint to get the body healthy first.  As that starts to fall into place over time, the stubborn weight starts to melt away.   There is nothing better than seeing someone get their life back.  That will never get old.  I get to witness stories like this every day