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Multiple Sclerosis – Why You May Be at Risk for Other Autoimmune Conditions shares this recap about Multiple Sclerosis…

Another autoimmune disease, multiple sclerosis (MS) occurs when the immune system attacks the body’s own nerve cells and disrupts communication between the brain and the rest of the body. Some of the first symptoms of MS are often numbness, weakness, or tingling in one or more limbs, but that’s not always the case.

“Multiple sclerosis can be episodic; the disease waxes and wanes,” says Shapiro.

Depending on the number and location of lesions in the brain, he adds, signs and symptoms may be more or less severe in different people. Once a doctor does suspect MS, however, a spinal tap or MRI can help confirm the diagnosis.

If You Have MS, You Have a Higher Risk For Developing other                Autoimmune Conditions

multiple sclerosisPatients are often surprised when they have an autoimmune condition such as Multiple Sclerosis that they have an increased risk of developing  other autoimmune conditions.  It really doesn’t matter which condition starts first as the picture indicates.  The fact of the matter is that the immune system is the major culprit.  When there is an imbalance with the immune system, you will eventually have more and more symptoms.  At this point, people are often given immuno- suppressant drugs, but that doesn’t address why the problem is occurring in the first place.  These new autoimmune drugs are part of a multi-billion dollar industry, and they aren’t cheap. With prices ranging from $1,000 to $45,000 a month (or more), many people have a hard time affording them, or simply cannot afford them.

How Do You Find Out Why the Immune System is Attacking Self Tissue?

Through our ABR Method and The DNA Uprint, we are able to identify many causes of immune distress.  For some people, there may be a close association with food sensitivities  or having past exposure to an underlying infection in the past.  Research proves that at least 70% of your immune system sits in your gut, large intestine.  It also reveals the connection between your gut and brain.  When there is “fire” in the gut, you will have “fire” in the brain and vice versa.  If you have any questions or want to make an appointment, call our office, 716.773.4707.