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Frustrations Of Living With Hypothyroidism

Believe In YourselfIf you are like a lot of hypothyroid patients, you probably realize that trying to get answers for your problem is tougher than finding out who took the cookies from the cookie jar when talking to your kids.  Insurance companies continue to limit choices for patients which can prevent a person from actually getting better.  If you keep hearing from your doctor that your lab tests are normal or you are just depressed, or you need to exercise more….etc. you need to fire your doctor.  Gone are the days where you can just measure TSH and free T4.  You will not find the cause of the problem with blood work.  This is a key piece why women continue to suffer despite lab tests being normal.  You might feel as though you have an invisible disease.  It doesn’t have to be this way.  Find a doctor who listens and believes in what you are telling them.  Don’t give up.  Feeling better is right around the corner.