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Healthy Cooking Oils

I reviewed some information sent to me by Jeff Hays from Jeff Hays Film.  Thought I would share it with you regarding healthy cooking oils.

Which of these cooking oils are truly healthy and which are VERY unhealthy?  Some of these listed below (but not all) have even been found to cause immediate heart attacks after meals because they cause such massive inflammation in your body…


Inflammatory Oils
-Soybean oil
-olive oil
-coconut oil
-grape seed oil
-cottonseed oil
-safflower oil
-canola oil
-corn oil, etc…

My choices for top healthy cooking oils that I use:healthy cooking oils

  • Virgin Coconut Oil (very stable at med-high temps and healthy fats)
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil (only for low temp cooking)
  • Real Butter (grass fed butter is actually healthy and contains important nutrients like vitamin K2, omega-3’s, and CLA.  Kerrygold is a popular brand of Irish butter that’s grass-fed and readily available in most grocery stores)

Cooking with oils in moderation is okay, but realize the calories can add up fast from using oil.  Enjoy your coconut oil, grass-fed butter, and delicious extra-virgin olive oils knowing that you’re doing your body GOOD!  But just make sure to stay FAR AWAY from dangerous inflammatory vegetable oils like soybean oil, corn oil, and cottonseed oils which are used in so many processed foods these days.

Also remember that most salad dressings you find at the store are loaded with unhealthy soybean or canola oils usually, so make your own with healthy olive oil instead.  Spend some time reading labels, it will be worth your time.

Food and oil sensitivity testing is something that is incorporated in The DNA Uprint that Health Solutions Plus is known for.  You just can’t ignore these things, especially with autoimmune conditions.