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Iodine and Autoimmune Thyroid

Does Iodine Cause, Worsen, Treat or Improve Autoimmune Thyroid?

If you have been dealing with an autoimmune thyroid problem for any length of time, you may have read about the controversy involving supplementing with iodine for autoimmune thryoid.  As with anything, you have people who say that you should never take iodine with autoimmune thyroid aka Hashimoto’s Thryoid.  I actually use to be from this “camp.”  I use to tell patients to never take that because it could cause further damage.  This was before I developed The DNA Uprint.  Fortunately, I started reading more and more and exposed the real truth about iodine.  And even better, my patients have shown noticeable improvement in symptoms when they were tested via The DNA Uprint and showed they needed iodine supplementation.

iodine autoimmune thyroidWhat Does Dr. Brownstein Say?

Dr. David Brownstein has revealed in this video some of the myths behind taking iodine.  After seeing the results for myself, I am a believer for at least checking to see of someone has a need for iodine with autoimmune thyroid.  Watch his video….. Dr. David Brownstein Youtube video

Bottom line is that you have to decide for yourself if iodine is a smart choice when diagnosed with autoimmune thyroid.  Ignorance to this controversy can be detrimental.  Again, I have changed my view on this only to see results with my patients.  However, I would NOT recommend across the board that everyone with autoimmune thyroid take iodine.  You have to be tested and see number one if you need it.  Second, when you are taking it, how do you know when your body is saturated and when to stop or reduce the dosage?  Through our unique process and The DNA Uprint, we are able to uncover how your body responds to supplements and if you should continue to take them.  Don’t make the mistake of taking iodine and having it cause further symptoms.  Only take it if you need it.  You can’t base taking it with how you feel.  We eliminate the guesswork and enjoy being a resource for you.  If you need personalized recommendations, please call us, 716.773.4707.