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Are You Being Exposed to Harmful Effects of Cell Phone EMF’s?

harmful effects of cell phone emf'sToday I want to discuss the harmful effects of cell phone EMF’s.  If you are like most people, the common cell phone has made a way into your life.  Many find it impossible to escape the societal norm of having a cell phone.  There are still a few people who are holding out.  What I want to bring to your attention are the potential harmful effects that cell phone EMF’s, otherwise known as Electro Magnetic Field’s can have on a persons health.  Think of this as energy that is harmful to humans. Take a look at this picture below.  On the left, the green area shows non-ionizing radiation of things like electrical wires and computers.  Next it shows the progression of radio waves then cell phone/microwaves.  Finally on the right shows ionizing radiation like x-rays.  My point being is that we are all exposed to both non-ionizing radiation and ionizing  radiation at various points in our life.

harmful effects of cell phone emf'sHow do you know if your you are being harmed by cell phone emf’s?  There is certainly not a test you can do via bloodwork that I am aware of.  However, the benefit of The DNA Uprint testing that we provide at Health Solutions Plus addresses this issue.  In fact, many people contact us to find out if  the harmful effects of cell phone emf’s are effecting their health.  I see this all the time with patients who suffer with chronic conditions such as thyroid, diabetes, crohns, lupus, and many other autoimmune problems.  Keep in mind that not all people are sensitive to cell phone emf’s.  But if they are causing damaging effects to your body, there are certainly things that can be done that are simple and can make a huge positive impact on your health.  It’s one of those things that slowly wears you down over time.  Many people are even unaware it’s even going on.