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Hashimoto’s Thyroid – The Invisible Disease

hashimotos thyroidHave you heard of Hashimoto’s Thyroid?  You should know that it is the largest cause of hypothyroidism in the United States.  So what does that really mean to you?  Number one, it is often known as an invisible disease.  One, where you struggle with symptoms that often do not get recognized by doctors.  Maybe you already experienced going to your doctor and complaining of low energy, hair loss, or gaining weight only to be told that you have to work out a little more.  Enough is enough.  The old model that the insurance companies use only complicates this issue.  Hashimoto’s thyroid can be complicated.  Think of it like a puzzle.  You can have one or two pieces of the puzzle, but the real issue is how they all fit together.  When people suffer with low thyroid, you just cant concentrate on the thyroid alone, you have to assess the whole endocrine system and how the system is communicating with itself.  This could involve areas like the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thyroid, or even your adrenal glands.  Dr. Augustine pioneered the methods of the ABR Method and The DNA Uprint which allow him to find the cause of the symptoms versus just looking at the symptoms.  So if you are frustrated and at the point that you want answers, let us be a resource for you.