The DNA Uprint
Discover New Answers about the root cause of your symptoms
If you are like most people who contact us, you express your frustration because you have not found any answers through standard blood work or other conventional treatment. It’s not like you have a shortage of medications in your body. The DNA Uprint allows you to discover the root cause of your illness, not just treat your symptoms!
Why Doesn’t Traditional Medicine Find the Same Thing With Their Testing?
First and foremost, I can tell you that medicine is driven by the insurance companies. I refuse to play their games at the expense of the patients' health. What does this mean for you? It means their rationale to give the go ahead to order certain tests or treatment is what is the least they can do and pay for. This is an unfortunate answer. It shouldn’t be this way. Our medical system is bloated and often doesn’t help the people who need it most.
Second, do you think the pharmaceutical companies want you to find the true cause of your problem? Or, just keep taking more and more medication for the rest of your life? Which one pads their pocket more?
Last, traditional medicine has some great tests that reveal phenomenal information such as blood work, MRI, PET scans, etc. However, those same tests do NOT reveal what is CAUSING the problem. That is the dilemma. The DNA Uprint is changing the way people go about helping or even reversing chronic health conditions that have been steadily rising in our society. There is a new way to achieve lasting results and live a life free from symptoms.
These reasons are just the tip of the iceberg why The DNA Uprint is so beneficial. The results cut to the chase and give you answers that you can act on right away. It also prioritizes what you need to do first. We eliminate the guesswork so you can concentrate on feeling better.
There Is Always Hope
There is now hope even if you have been told, “there is nothing more that can be done”, or it’s “all in your head” or worse, “you have to live with it.” The exciting thing about the test is that it’s non-invasive and can be done right from the convenience of your home. Once we review the results, you can make the decision to try and navigate things on your own or what most people decide is to allow us to help facilitate that process. The choice is always up to you.
Health is not a “one size fits all”. Your body is unique. Only you have your shape, your eyes, your fingerprint, your body chemistry. You are unique, one of a kind! Your heath plan needs to be unique as well – specifically designed just for you, according to your own body chemistry. Think of it like a tailored suit, personalized just for you. If you had a choice, would you choose a generic one size fits all approach or a finely tailored and personal approach?
order your dNA Uprint Today:
Personalized & Specific to You!
The DNA Uprint is personalized and specific because the information comes from you. Your body has its very own language, which is your body’s own way of telling you what it needs. Your body chemistry is the blue print to your good health. However, there is a problem with that. Most people do not know how to read or interpret the body’s “language”. This goes well beyond the standard blood work that most people have already had. It does give some valuable information. However, what it doesn’t tell us is often the missing piece. Because the focus of The DNA Uprint is to find the cause of your symptoms, prioritize what to do first, and assess how the systems of the body are working together. We are able to help people when the odds are stacked against them.
The DNA Uprint can reveal that missing piece. Since the DNA Uprint is different than blood work or other conventional medical testing, many patients are finally able to find the source of their symptoms. After the simple and convenient test, we will interpret your results. Next, we can design a plan that is all natural, unique, and tailored just for you. This is not a one size fit all “cookie cutter” plan. Find out how The DNA Uprint can guide you to the answers you have been searching for.